
Help build a better directory

Register your details and we’ll ensure your free VouchedFor profile looks its best from day one

Help build a better directory

Register your details and we’ll ensure your free VouchedFor profile looks its best from day one

How to pre-claim your profile

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Register your details

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Confirm your profile details with the team

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Access your live profile

Why are we listing all profiles on VouchedFor?​

The advice profession doesn’t have the directory it deserves. There is no comprehensive, user-friendly directory.

This stops consumers engaging with advice.

VouchedFor already undertakes more checks – and inspires more consumer trust – than any other directory.

But we need to go further.

We’re committed to improve consumer access to advice in 2024.

  1. Build trust in the advice profession – still the biggest barrier to consumer-engagement with professional advice.
  2. Improve the experience of searching for an advice firm, by creating one user-friendly searchable directory.
  3. Encourage product providers to improve how they signpost to advice.

Refer an adviser

Split £130 VouchedFor credit with every adviser you refer

Preparing your profile is fast, easy and free - we’ll do the hard work for you.

Pre-claim your VouchedFor Profile today

Claim free today

Why pre-claim your profile?

2 million+

consumers visit VouchedFor each year to find an adviser

75% advisers

on VouchedFor’s clients more likely to refer to them

x 00000

Advice firms with claimed listings on VouchedFor’s directory.

Why claim your profile?

It’s completely free - add your logo, your services and relevant awards

It’s quick and easy to add your logo and a summary of your services. Ensure prospective clients get a consistent experience of your brand across the internet.

Add your advisers to your profile

Add the advisers that clients could expect to meet, and their client reviews will feature on your firm profile.

Build trust with prospective clients

Do we have generic claim about trust?  e.g. X% of clients research their advice firm online before making contact

Firms who trust VouchedFor

For more information on any of the above please get in touch.

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