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When your profile is added, here's how to claim it

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Why are we listing all profiles on VouchedFor?​

We’ve creating a free profile for every UK advice firm, as part of a major new initiative, driving consumer trust and supporting the advice profession.

Consumers need an easy-to-use comprehensive directory, where they can assess every UK advice firm’s credentials and reputation, helping them avoid scams.

Furthermore, with other directories no longer what they once were, investment, pension and mortgage providers have stopped signposting consumers toward advice.

So we will also be writing to the UK’s largest such providers, to encourage them to review how they direct people to advice.

VouchedFor is already used by over 1m consumers every year. We run more checks on advisers than any other directory, and VouchedFor advisers have received over 380k online reviews from their clients, bolstering their reputation and maximising their client referral volumes. But we need to do more, to fully support consumers, and to represent the whole advice profession.

Please claim your free firm profile now, and help us build the best possible directory for UK consumers.

For more information on any of the above please get in touch.

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