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5 easy steps to grow referrals using client feedback

Used correctly, client feedback can become your most powerful tool for driving organic growth.  Identify your biggest advocates, fine-tune your …


2 simple steps to unlock revenue you might be missing

For advisers who aren’t looking to take on new clients, there are still opportunities to grow revenue from within your …

convert more prospects using client feedback hero image

3 simple tricks to convert more prospects using client feedback

Whether you’re looking to expand your client bank or just maintain it, attracting new clients will form a key element …


5 best practice steps for collecting feedback – and what do with it

In the three months since the Consumer Duty came into effect, many advice firms have started collecting feedback systematically for …


Black box thinking: How to use data to learn from failure

Mistakes are an inevitable part of any business, including financial advice. However, when the root cause of the issue isn’t …


The power of marginal gains: what financial advisers can learn from British cycling

Imagine transforming a century of failure into unprecedented success with just a series of  1% improvements. This is the power …


4 ways mortgage advisers can turn Consumer Duty into financial reward

The mortgage industry has faced its fair share of change in recent times. From interest rate rises to product scarcity, …

Case Studies

How IronMarket Wealth grew client confidence 23% in the face of market uncertainty

IronMarket, a Wealth and Investment Management firm that is redefining their members’ expectations of advice firms, drove a 23% increase …

Case Studies

Cherry picking client feedback? You’re only cheating yourself. How IronMarket Wealth uncovered its blind spots and owned its development areas.

Advice firms who neglect to invite all their clients to give feedback are only cheating themselves, says Rob Heath, Director …

Consumer Duty

Nurturing strong branches: The role of networks in supporting ARs through Consumer Duty

Networks have always been faced with an additional challenge to directly authorised firms. How to ensure their Appointed Representatives (ARs) …

Consumer Duty

Consumer Understanding: How good communications help clients make informed decisions

Clear and effective communication has always been important in the provision of financial advice. Clients need to understand the advice …

Consumer Duty

“Keep it Simple, Stupid!” Why easy to understand fee structures matter

In 1960 the US Navy coined the phrase, “keep it simple, stupid”, for the design principle that underpinned the design …

Consumer Duty

Price and value – why a well-defined proposition will attract the right clients

The decision to take on a new client has never been more important than right now. Consumer Duty places a …

Consumer Duty

Small but mighty: how should small firms interpret the Consumer Duty?

Written by Rachel MacRae, B-Compliant As the Consumer Duty deadline creeps closer, time is running out to deliver the relevant …

Consumer Duty

Are fixed fees the future? Analysing the advantages for client engagement.

Fixed fees have been around for a long time. Some advisers have been working on a fixed fee basis, with …

Consumer Duty

Fair Value: How the other three outcomes will help value fall into place

As financial advisers prepare for the implementation of Consumer Duty, one of the most significant challenges they face is demonstrating …

Consumer Duty

Top of the class: How much of an adviser’s role should be educating?

Financial literacy plays a critical role in ensuring clients make informed decisions, ultimately leading to better financial outcomes. But is …

Consumer Duty

Fair value: Should advisers be thinking about new ways of charging clients?

Does Consumer Duty herald the end of percentage-based charging and cross-subsidies between clients?  Rachel MacRae, Compliance Consultant at B-Complaint thinks …

team having a meeting
Consumer Duty

The 4 essential steps to create a foolproof Consumer Duty data strategy

Data is the backbone of financial planning. Advisers use data to analyse markets, build portfolios, and make recommendations to clients. …

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Building Trust

Embracing the sting: How negative feedback can be the key to success

All financial advisers want to provide the best service possible to their clients and most do an excellent job.  Indeed, …

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Consumer Duty

Making Vulnerability Personal: The 5 key steps to a more inclusive business

Consumer Duty recognises the importance of protecting customers in vulnerable circumstances. Vulnerability can arise from a variety of factors such …

marketing businessman person hands
Consumer Duty

Consumer Duty will cost you money; how to boost your return on investment

There’s no getting away from it, Consumer Duty will cost you money.   The new guidelines require firms to record the …

woman giving a presentation
Consumer Duty

Culture, Governance and Accountability: creating the right environment for success

The Consumer Duty requires firms to put clients at the heart of every decision. The Duty puts a spotlight on …

man reading a contract
Consumer Duty

Delivering good outcomes: a new way of asking for feedback

Customer satisfaction is dead, long live client outcomes. The FCA has placed delivering good outcomes at the heart of Consumer …

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Consumer Duty

Are you ready for Consumer Duty?  Top advice firms share 7 key steps to success

Are you ready for Consumer Duty?  Top advice firms share 7 key steps to success With the implementation deadline for …

Consumer Duty

Consumer Duty outcome 4: 3 ways to show you really support your customers

The fourth outcome of the Consumer Duty is ‘Consumer Support’.  Firms are required to support clients all the way through …

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Consumer Duty

What, why and how – the 15 questions we keep getting asked about Consumer Duty

The Consumer Duty clock is ticking, as firms have until the end of July 2023 to be compliant. At VouchedFor, …

Consumer Duty

Consumer Duty outcome 3: Do your customers really understand you?

The third outcome of the Consumer Duty is ‘Consumer Understanding’, where firms are required to communicate in a way that, …

Consumer Duty

Consumer Duty outcome 2: Are 1 in 6 of your clients unsure how they pay you?

Advisers have four ‘outcomes’ to consider under the FCA’s new Consumer Duty regulations: products and services, price and value, consumer …

Consumer Duty

Consumer Duty outcome 1: 4 top tips to ace ‘Products and Services’

Advisers who are directly interacting with clients, and senior staff within a firm, need to fully embrace the Consumer Duty …

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Generating Referrals

Revealed: how to boost client confidence and generate more recommendations

Did you know that 99% of advisory clients say they would consider recommending their adviser, but only 42% actually do consistently

person holding pen pointing at graph
Converting Prospects

3 ways to increase your conversion rate

Double your prospect conversion rate by adopting a few simple changes.

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Building Trust

Revealed: why advisers are missing a trick with VouchedFor

Brian Hill is the managing director and financial adviser at Jones Hill. Here he reveals why treating VouchedFor like a lead generator risks missing out on the bigger prize.

ethnic businessman shaking hand of applicant in office
Building Trust

5 tips to turn your prospects into your clients

Depledge Strategic Wealth Management’s Andrew Day, outlines how to convert initial expressions of interest into productive long-term clients during these difficult times.

two person in long sleeved shirt shakehand
Building Trust

6 tips to create brilliant first impressions

Sian MacInnes shares her six top tips on how to connect with clients from the very first point of contact, making a great first impression and building lasting relationships.

a businessman in an online meeting
Building Trust

Building trust during lockdown

Wayne Griffiths explains how he’s used VouchedFor to build trust and transparency into his lead generation process and why that’s more important now than ever.

Looking to grow your advice business?

Discover tools that increase prospect conversion, recommendations and power Consumer Duty requirements.